The NUS Biorobotics Lab, under the direction of Professor Yu Haoyong, is at the forefront of developing innovative robotic systems, devices, and enabling technologies to tackle healthcare and manpower challenges prevalent in societies with rapidly aging populations. Our multidisciplinary team, specializing in biomechanics, neuroscience, and robotics, uses a biorobotics approach, drawing insights and inspiration from nature to pioneer novel technologies in actuation, sensing, and control. We are focused on advancing the next generation of Rehabilitation Robotics, Assistive and Service Robotics, Human-Robot Interaction and Bio-inspired Robotics.
We developed a novel active back support exoskeleton to reduce muscle fatigue and prevent injury on the lower back during lifting tasks. The team’s work was published in IEEE Transactions on Robotics on 9 November 2023. This innovation aligns with the broader goal of creating human-centric robotic systems that enhance safety and efficiency in the workplace. Our work made waves behind the scenes of the 2024 National Day Parade (NDP) packing operations. By integrating such assistive technologies, the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders could be reduced while boosting both productivity and wellbeing in the workforce.
The prototype exoskeletons were developed by NUS Biorobotics Lab at the Department of Biomedical Engineering. These suits assist with heavy lifting and repetitive tasks. Solidiers used them for packing 300,000 National Day Parade packs. The exoskeletons have been trialed with baggage handlers at Changi Airport and chemical plant workers. ‘With more societies facing the challenging of an ageing population, we need to start protecting our workers against injury whilst they are young,’ says Assoc Prof Yu Haoyong. Credit: NUS College of Design and Engineering
NUS Biorobotics Lab prepared a 5.4kg back support exoskeleton for soldiers to carry heavy loads during the packing process By wearing the exoskeleton like a backpack, it eases the physical strain on the soldier’s back and knee joints. Credit: MustShareNews
The exoskeleton is donned like a harness, aidong the soldier’s movements and alleviating strain on the back and joints. This device helps to maintain a comfortable posture for the wearer and lowers the risk of injury when lifting heavy boxes. Credit: The Straits Times